Checks can be sent to: Resurrection Anglican Church, P.O Box 38101, Rockhill, SC, 29732 and indicate for Children of Purpose Orphans-Kenya


Donations to a Specific Need

You can volunteer to support an orphan financially either monthly or yearly. You can choose to contribute in the following ways:

  • Sponsor a child’s monthly education @ $35

  • Buy an orphan/vulnerable child school supplies per semester @ $75

  • Pay a teacher’s monthly salary @ $150

  • Buy sanitary towels for all the girls at the school for a whole semester @ $300

  • Sponsor an older child’s yearly high school education @ $650

  • Sponsor the entire school feeding program for a month @ $960

  • Sponsor our library with funds to purchase books - amount of your choice

  • Sponsor our medical supply and first aid closet/future clinic - amount of your choice

  • Sponsor our playgound equipment improvement - amount of your choice

Donations to School Expansion

You can support our efforts to expand onto our newly purchased land. We need to pay off the land ($3000) and add permanent buildings ($30,000). Any amount you can donate toward our goal is appreciated.

One Time Donation/Periodic Donation

We appreciate any donation you that God leads you to give to support, educate, and share God’s word with these vulnerable young children. Please consider periodically remembering our needs as you may have extra funds. If you prefer for your donation to go toward a particular need, please specify on the donation form. We appreciate your support!

Donation Information!

Women of Purpose Community Development Centre

Account - Equity Bank Limited

Bank Account Number - 0750192363614