WhatsApp Image 2019-10-17 at 2.15.28 PM.png


Growing children have a right to play because it helps develop all their senses. Play is one of the strategies that has brought a lot of holistic healing to many of these orphaned and vulnerable children who have faced the trauma of death, hunger, sicknesses and loneliness. Play therapy nurtures the relationships between the children, relieves anxiety, reduces stress and increases happiness and joy. Since opening the school, play has been encouraged.

In 2013, the children would play by climbing trees and playing football using balls made of paper and tied with strings, running and jumping around, and engaging in more of traditional play activities. In 2017, a donor provided 1 swing, hula loops and volleyball nets. In 2019, another donor provided two steel swing slides which enhanced the children’s play sessions. In early 2021, another donor donated balls for both girls and boys. Towards the end of 2021, the school/Orphanage got a teacher who is trained in chess games and was ready to take up the challenge of teaching the children how to play chess. We then bought 2 sets of chess boards and the teacher has been able to train the girls in this interesting game.

The current challenge the school/orphanage has is space for playground and the need for more playground equipment.  Please pray that God provides equipment needed on our new land so that children are not deprived of this important opportunity to play and grow in God’s sight.