
FEEdING The Children

Quite a number of learners in developing countries are unable to attend school because they have no access to a meal or cannot get all the meals required in a day for their healthy growth. Many are malnourished and weak so they perform poorly academically. Some are too sick to attend school or die. Others migrate to the big cities/ towns to beg in the streets or do odd jobs in order to feed themselves. In response to this, the management of Children of Purpose started a feeding program that has improved the health of the children.

Children of Purpose School/orphanage offers the orphans and vulnerable children in our program Uji each morning (corn flour, water, and sugar cooked) and also a balanced lunch. They are performing well in their academics, there is no more absenteeism, and child mortality rate in the community has gone down drastically. This is being attributed to the provision of food to the children.

In as much as the school/orphanage tries to offer food daily to the children, there are many challenges. These include lack of finances to purchase food on a daily basis and the prices of foodstuffs which is being increased almost on a daily basis.

With all this in mind, there is an opportunity available for friends, well-wishers and donors to come along and get involved in the feeding program so that the children don’t miss a meal.

The approximate costs for feeding the children and teachers are as follows:

Food - $ 960 per month.

2 Cooks - $ 50 each per month.